Struggling with your memory? Do you keep forgetting something? It could be that your memory is just not strong enough. Aging, head injury, illness or adverse reactions to certain drugs can reduce brain function and increase memory loss. But if you consistently train your brain, you will be able to improve your memory, restore your brain health and minimize the risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
Your brain is the most complex part of our body. It consists of 100 billion neurons that are linked to one another in a very complex pattern. Keeping your brain active, keeps your neurons communicating with one another consistently, thus, giving you a powerful memory.
There are 2 kinds of memory, short-term and long-term.
Short-term memory is also termed as the primary or active memory. It is the information that you are aware of now or thinking about currently. It is also the temporary storage of information in memory. For example, if you are looking for the phone number of a friend. Once you were given the number, you memorized it and wrote it on a piece of paper. When asked what the number was after a few minutes, you probably won't remember because the information was stored in short-term memory. Long-term memory is the information that has already been retained in your memory and it acts like a permanent storage. Your ability to learn because of the experiences you had is because of your long-term memory.
The best way to have a retentive memory is to increase your ability to move your experiences from your short-term into your long-term memory. Here are some techniques.
ASSOCIATION - It is easier to recall or remember experiences or events that are associated with other similar events than events that are not associated with anything. For example, you could remember the PIN or personal identification number of your ATM because it is the same as your birth year.
IMAGES - Most of us learn to recall things much easier when we think of pictures and images. This helps improve brain function and memory.
REPETITION - The more you repeat or experience any information, the more quickly it is then stored in our long-term memory for recalling. That is why it is better if you keep on repeating information you want to remember.
Another way to improve your memory is by keeping your brain healthy. Eat nutritious foods. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep so you will be focused all the time. Be a social butterfly and have fun with your friends. Conversation with other people stimulates your brain and makes your neurons communicate, giving you an improved memory.
A powerful memory can always be achieved. So start training your brain now.
Your brain is the most complex part of our body. It consists of 100 billion neurons that are linked to one another in a very complex pattern. Keeping your brain active, keeps your neurons communicating with one another consistently, thus, giving you a powerful memory.
There are 2 kinds of memory, short-term and long-term.
Short-term memory is also termed as the primary or active memory. It is the information that you are aware of now or thinking about currently. It is also the temporary storage of information in memory. For example, if you are looking for the phone number of a friend. Once you were given the number, you memorized it and wrote it on a piece of paper. When asked what the number was after a few minutes, you probably won't remember because the information was stored in short-term memory. Long-term memory is the information that has already been retained in your memory and it acts like a permanent storage. Your ability to learn because of the experiences you had is because of your long-term memory.
The best way to have a retentive memory is to increase your ability to move your experiences from your short-term into your long-term memory. Here are some techniques.
ASSOCIATION - It is easier to recall or remember experiences or events that are associated with other similar events than events that are not associated with anything. For example, you could remember the PIN or personal identification number of your ATM because it is the same as your birth year.
IMAGES - Most of us learn to recall things much easier when we think of pictures and images. This helps improve brain function and memory.
REPETITION - The more you repeat or experience any information, the more quickly it is then stored in our long-term memory for recalling. That is why it is better if you keep on repeating information you want to remember.
Another way to improve your memory is by keeping your brain healthy. Eat nutritious foods. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep so you will be focused all the time. Be a social butterfly and have fun with your friends. Conversation with other people stimulates your brain and makes your neurons communicate, giving you an improved memory.
A powerful memory can always be achieved. So start training your brain now.
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